Saturday, December 1, 2007

future days

I'm realizing that we are the generation that has to make the big consumption paradigm shift and teach these new practices to our kids. The world our children will live in 20, 30, 40 years from now is going to look very different than the one we all inhabit now. I keep trying to imagine what daily life will be like in the future, and I wonder if it will be more like it was in the Depression, back when everything people consumed was scarce and precious. That might not be such a bad thing.

This leads me to think about the expectations I'm setting for my kids with the holidays and gift giving. I don't want to set them up to expect more more more, knowing they need to practice being happy with less and grateful for what they already have. I'm not sure what that looks like yet. So we need to start making some new traditions around here. How are you approaching the holidays and gift giving this year? What are your favorite traditions that aren't about stuff?

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